[ARTICLE] 170128 "Baek Jongwon’s Top 3 Chef King" AOA Choa-Mina
Original post : here
1. [+570] [-53] Choa is so cute ㅎㅎ
2. [+538] {-83] After her appaerance on Knowing Bros, mina is so likeable
3. [+283] [-30] Choa-Mina combination is so good
4. [+125] [-19] Mina is so pretty and cute but she's not very well known
5. [+116] [-21] So pretty
6. [+106] [-15] You two are so pretty!!
7. [+94] [-11] Choa is so pretty.. choa is extremely pretty
8. [+96] [-14] Choa-Mina is so cool!ㅋㅋㅋ
9. [+95] [-14] Mina is so cute when the problem matchesㅋㅋㅋ
10. [+98] [-19] Mina is very praiseworthy