Monday, September 18, 2017

N.Flying's rooftop party... 'They are so talented and handsome'

Original article : here

1. [+72] [-5] Yoo Kwaeseung fighting!!!

2. [+55] [-4] N.Flying let's go for a long time!!!!!

3. [+35] [-3] They're so charming!!!

4. [+34] [-3] But I've lived for 23 yearsㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+36] [-6] Their visuals are good, their vocals are also good, their songs are good too.. Their vlive was funny..

6. [+27] [-4] They would have pretty known from their debut song and lonely but their company didn't do anything after that.. It would be good if the company pushed them back then

7. [+22] [-5] All five of them are all handsome♥♥♥

8. [+17] [-1] The visual when they were playing the instruments

9. [+16] [-1] FNC bands are really good. the 5 members are good, i like their songs and everyone is hadsome

10. [+18] [-2] It's a group that would already do well if the company promote them well since the beginningㅠㅠ It's a great group but the company didn't push them wellㅠㅠ It's such a shame

11. [+16] [-3] I heard the song wellㅋㅋ

12. [+14] [-1] Seughyub and hweseung are the charming vocal line.. the more you look at them, the more charming they are

13. [+12] [-2] It's a very talented group

14. [+9] [0] It was so funㅎㅎ

Original article : here

1. They re-arranged 'Playing with fire' with their color, it warms the atmosphere

2. After I heard that song, its stuck in my head!! it's good

3. It's good to see that they're working hard ㅎㅎ fighting !! I hope you will do well ㅎㅎ

4. So handsome.. nflying>_< the song is really good

5. Their music is something else but their visuals are really on top!!!!!!

6. The best cover of 'playing with fire'

7. It's good to see them working so hard.. today was so excitingㅋㅋㅋ

8. The song is great and they are handsome too

9. They are very talented and handsome

10. Thank you^^

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