Wednesday, September 13, 2017

[PANN] 170805 What do you think about FNC new group's controversy?

[T/N : This was one of the selected talk, that's why i'm translating this post]

OP saw this video on youtube with the title 'FNC new girlgroup member's name controversy'?
(here) and said that her real name is yuju but we still dont know her stage name.
He/she is debating whether it's controversial or not. Op said that he/she thought it's pretty controversial bcs yuju's(fnc) name and birth date overlap with yuju(gf) and when looking at the comments on youtube, it got pretty bad reactions and some people think it's fnc media play. So op is asking people's opinion about whether she need to use another name for her stage name or not. 

Upvote : It's okay to use her real name
Downote : Even if it's her real name, she need to use a stage name

Original post : here
[+960] [-38]

1. [+516][-1] There are a lot of jimin, mina and minho in this world

2. [+404] [-5] It's her real name but you're swearing at her for using her real name when she's active (debuting)..? So do you think it's not right if she uses her real name on the stage? If you think about it, that girl is the first one who uses yuju as her name.. 21 years ago before gfriend exists, this girl exists. 

3. [+329] [-35] Bullsh*t ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ why are you guys upset? it's fnc's business.. 

4. [+87] [0] Aigoo blackpink jenny, DIA jenny... both of them are stage name and they're doing well

5. [+76] [-1] If that's the case... what about jinyoung... b1a4  jinyoung, got7 jinyoung, wanna one bae jinyoung, jyp...

6. [+68] [-1] Are you guys all chodings or what ? When April debuted, apink fans were being chodings at first because april naeun has the same name as apink naeun...

7. [+67] [-1] Even yuju is a stage name...

8. [+57] [0] It reminds me on twitter when kang daniel is called 'niel' and it's teentop niel's nickname ㅋㅋㅋㅋ you can have thee same name, just let it go

9. [+39] [0] So, fnc yuju has the name longer than her.. Before that there was a girlgroup member with that name, with that logic so gf's yuju need to change her name.. Do you think gfriend have copyrighted their names?

10. [+36] [-1] With that logic, because yuju is a stage name, she need to change her name ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

P.S : Deleted some words to avoid fanwar, so please don't use this to badmouthing other fandom. i know you guys are nice, but still...  ^^ 

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