Tuesday, June 27, 2017

[ARTICLE] 170617 SF9 first fanmeeting in Thailand ... "Hallyu Idol"

In this fanmeeting, sf9 performed a total of 8 songs. From Breaking Sensation's song title 'Easy love' that was released on April, a song that received so much love "Roar", till Fanfare.

Not only that, SF9 made special memory with fans.. They played board game with fans, they gave a question and fans would answer with O X and gave a surprise gift to the last fan.

On the other hand, SF9 swept the number 1 spot on the oricon single daily chart and tower record kpop world chart on the same day as the day they released single  'fanfare' in japan on  june 7. They are growing steadily as the next generation of kpop and they will be performing a solo concert in japan on august 2.

Original post : here

1. Love you♡♡♡♡ A talented rookie SF9~~~ Please see them prettily and give them a lot of interest!!! They are singers who always work hard to give the best impression on stage.

2. You are just wasting your time by commenting on this that you dont know about themㅋㅋㅋYou must be tired after you went to thailand , you've worked hard! It must be really tiring to go abroad so good luck ! I love you all 

3. fighting

4. for now SF9 is not a well known group because sf9 is still a rookie but all of the members of this group are handsome, kind, skillful and hard working.. please look at them prettily..

5. I'm glad that sf9 is getting more loved these days.. Please continue to show us good work..

6. Seems like its a trend nowadays to have many people in a group 

7. Who are they

8. I just dont understand why are you leaving a comment just to say that you dont know them? ah you just want to write mean comment

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