Wednesday, April 19, 2017

[Kstyle] 170419 SF9, held a showcase before the japanese debut "When we did the high touch, we shared our feelings with our fans

Original link : here

―― On april 7th, SF9 held the first showcase in japan. Please tell us about your impressions of standing on the stage.

Youngbin : I was so touched with fan's surprise (when they did encore stage, fans raised a banner with "Japan FANTASY burning on SF9♥" written on it. I'm happy that finally I can debut in japan.

Hwiyoung : It's good to be able to debut in japan. I was happy to meet japanese fantasy in person.

Chani : I would like to thank all the fans for giving us this opportunity to have this activities in japan. I'll work harder!

Juho : The showcase was so touching

Rowoon : The showcase was filled with emotions and joy

Inseong : It's a very good experience to held a showcase overseas.

Dawon : Once again, I would like to thank Mr. Furuya (masayuki) who stayed with us all day long from the showcase to the radio (laughs)

Jaeyoon : We appeared on japanese radio after the showcase, we got good experiences.

Taeyang : It's our first showcase in japan so I was so nervous. I would like to meet japanese fans and show a cool performance in the future.

"I want to learn japanese so I can communicate naturally with fantasy"

―― How was the first stage in front of japanese fantasy?

Inseong : It's a great honor to perform in front of fantasy. We're still growing, I hope we can show you the better us in the future.

Taeyang : I was so happy to meet different people from different country through music. I'm glad to able to share with you.

Juho : From this performance, I would like to meet a lot of people through music.

Jaeyoon : I want to be able to communicate with you more naturally by studying japanese more.

―― In the corner when we heard the fan's wishes, the card that rowoon picked was a request for dawon. Are you surprised that you would do that yourself?

Rowoon : .... yes (laughs) Because I had expected the question would be something like "please give me heart". I was so puzzled by the content that I suddenly imitated Bruce Lee (laughs)

―― You did the imitation of Bruce Lee during the event, but do you guys really like Bruce Lee?

SF9 : We like him!~

Dawon : He is a cool man ! Because I like him, the members slowly attracted by Bruce Lee's charms (laughs)

―― Do you remember the scenery from the stage at the showcase?

Inseong : When I saw the fans from the stage, it was as beautiful as rainbow.

Rowoon : When fans raised the banner, I felt the same excitement and emotions as when we first saw cherry blossoms in japan. 

―― That's so cool, romantic!

Juho : We are a romantic group (laughs)

"We realized that japanese fans were waiting for us"

―― It seems like you also held a high touch event after the showcase

Juho : FANTASYs were really beautiful..

Dawon : Hands and hands in high touch! I feel like I was able to sympathize with them when we were doing the high touch.

Youngbin : We can feel that japanese fans were waiting for us. I wanted to do the high touch more slowly but I was sorry we could't do it because of the limited time.

―― How did you feel when you know that the japanese debut will be held on june 7?

Rowoon : When all the members were together, we were told "We decided the japanese debut". At that moment, I was so surprised that my heart would be popping out and at the same time it exploded with joy. As the expectation grew, we felt the pressured to have the stage for ourselves but we were excited as well. 

Taeyang : We've been on the stage as the opening performance of our senior concert from our company, but I think it's thanks to all the fans who cheered for us that we can have a performance for ourselves. 

Hwiyoung : I didn't know that we could debut so quickly.. I'm so grateful that I was able to work harder..

―― At the same day as the showcase, SF9 appeared at "Refill Korea" but Hwiyoung and chani couldn't appear on the radio. Please tell us your thoughts..

Hwiyoung : I believed that we would take the first place. It was frustrating that I couldn't win (laughs) I would like to take a lead if I have a chance to appear next time.

Chani : Unfortunately, I was not able to appear on the broadcast but I'm looking forward to the opportunity when I can join the broadcast.

―― Were you listening to your brothers live broadcast?

Hwiyoung & Chani : Yes, we were listening to them.

―― How was their live broadcast?

Hwiyoung : I think it's great that my brothers were doing radio broadcasting while using japenese well. 

Chani : It was really fun!

Hwiyoung : But I thought they were nervous because its the irst time, and for some reasons I was smiling for 30 minutes(laughs)

"I'll be an artist who can make you happy"

―― Please say some messages for your fans

Jaeyoon : We'll make a japanese debut on june 7 but we were able to do a showcase in japan. From now on, we'll work harder in future and sf9 wil not forget our original intention. Please continue to love us in the future..

Dawon : Thank you so much for coming to the showcase. I hope we can see each other in the future. thank you !

Inseong : I'll be an asrtict who can deliver impressions to you..

Rowoon : I'll be an artist who can make you happy !
Hwiyoung : I would like to be singer who work hard and make everyone happy. Fighting!

Juho : We'll always work hard and become sf9 that will never forget the root.

Chani : We'll be a lovely group that deliver true love to everyone!

Youngbin : I'll work hard to show you more than your expectations.

Taeyang : I'll always be grateful, thankyou!

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