Friday, March 17, 2017

[ARTICLE] 170306 Taeyeon "I miss you" → Seolhyun "unnie, me too", heartwarming senior-junior relationship

Original post : here

1. [+1968] [-167] I want to see you too.. unnie me too..
    ㄴTaeyeon : I'm not 

2. [+1783] [-152] Taeyeon is popular among juniors. She got recognition for her album too..

3. [+1523] [-173] It's nice to see themㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+1319] [-161] Why are you two so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    ㄴkim shinyoung is also cute ㅠㅜㅜㅠㅠ

5. [+297] [-66] There are a lot of juniors who like taeyeon album. Seems like taeyon is the idol's idol 

6. [+250] [-41] I support the home girls friendship

7. [+200] [-35] Such a nice friendship

8. [+190] [-33] Both taeyeon and seolhyun are popular.. It's a great combo

9. [+165] [-25] Both are pretty

10. [+160] [-29] Ah.. so heartwarming

11. [+130] [-21] I miss you too taenggo

12. [+119] [-17] Suddenly you can feel that taenggo is a senior and seolhyunie being shy is so cute

13. [+110] [-10] Juniel would be hurting when she know about this articleㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

14. [+93] [-7] Taeyeon and seolhyun is a fresh combination.. I hope they'll get close

15. [+48] [-8] I find this heartwarming as a woman..

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