Sunday, February 12, 2017

[DISPATCH] [HD Photo] 170209 a man who gets out of the comic book | SF9 Rowoon

Who : 'SF9' Rowoon
When : 2017 . 02 . 07
Where : Olympic park K art hall, Bangi-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul
What : "Burning Sensation" showcase reherseal
Credit : Dispatch Kim Minjung

Original post : here

1. [+254] [-14] He looks more handsome in the video than the picture

2. [+192] [-17] This kid, shownu and PO are very charming on lipstik prince

3. [+158] [-13] Handsome..

4. [+148] [-16] Rowoon visual is seriously the best..

5. [+131] [-11] I enjoyed watching Lipstick prince~ Rowoon fighting

6. [+85] [-11] Kya I only looking at him while looking at Lipstik prince
    ㄴ So trueㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    ㄴI agreeㅋㅋ

7. [+63] [-5] Wow he looks like a man who tore out of a comic bookㅋㅋ He is so handsome !!

8. [+54] [-3] Rowoon's full body shot is so ridiculous
    ㄴHe's even more ridiculous in real lifeㅠㅠ
    ㄴHis height is 189 cm, a perfect model

9. [+55] [-6] Rowoon-ah! So handsomeㅠㅠ

10. [+36] [-2] I have a feeling this album will hit big

11. [+28] [-2] Its not only rowoon but youngbin inseong jaeyoon dawon juho taeyang hwiyoung and chani, everyone is so handsome

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